It’s Election Season! Let’s Get Real Representation in Government with Run En Masse

Home Resources Blog It’s Election Season! Let’s Get Real Representation in Government with Run En Masse
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It’s not November yet, but believe it or not, we’re officially in election season. There are some incredible organizations that have cropped up over the last four years, determined to change the face of politics to be more inclusive and truly representative. Inclusion Geeks is thrilled to be teaming up with one of these organizations- Run En Masse. Run En Masse PAC is a coalition of technology professionals and progressive activists. They are focused on helping to elect more women and other marginalized genders and BiPOC in office to bring strong leadership and bold policy into government. Leading up to the Massachusetts Primary on September 1, we’ll be introducing you to their endorsed candidates on our Instagram account. 

Outside of Massachusetts and can’t vote for them? These candidates need financial support. Your support will be split between these incredible candidates. Funds raised will be sent directly to the campaign committee accounts. The Run En Masse PAC will not receive any funds from this event.

In addition to fundraising for campaigns of endorsed candidates, they’re working to help to level the playing field by lowering the barriers to entry. Currently in Massachusetts, the cost of childcare is not an allowable campaign expense, restricting caregivers from running full campaigns or from running at all. Run En Masse believes it’s essential that progressive candidates not have to pay for child and dependent care out of their own pockets for campaign-related events, and are aggressively fundraising for their Care Fund. The goal is for the Run En Masse 501c4 to compensate child and dependent care providers directly for campaigns that need it. 

To find out more about getting involved, running or office, or if you’re interested in contributing to candidates or the Care Fund specifically, check out the Run En Masse website. We’re proud to be a partner in creating true representation in government.