Who We Are

About Inclusion Geeks

Our mission is to help workplaces work for everyone.

We achieve this through a holistic approach to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at work and beyond.

We support companies in their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to create an inclusive environment in a safe and welcoming space.

What we do

Business Team Meeting Seminar Training Concept
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Providing live facilitated interactive conversations on how to make the workplace work for everyone.

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Offering online go-at-your-own-pace learning on topics of unconscious bias, psychological safety, emotional intelligence, and so much more.

Why choose us

  • list-icon_mark We know that action & education are the keys to creating change - you can’t have one without the other.
  • list-icon_mark We design unique experiences in order to create meaningful impact.
  • list-icon_mark We actively listen to our clients and our community.
  • list-icon_mark We’re always challenging ourselves to learn and grow.
  • list-icon_mark We have a deep bench of expertise.

Our values


We strive for excellence in everything we do, no matter how major or minor. We are responsible for our actions and how we may impact others. We are committed to providing our customers, our community, and our team with the highest possible standard of quality through our reliability, our dependency, and our integrity.


We are ever-evolving and remain committed to being curious about how we can be better as individuals and as a company. We understand that learning is never a finite process and we welcome every opportunity to seek deeper understanding in all ways.


Efficiency is key to how we operate, and it’s about working smart, not (just) working hard! Since day one, we have prided ourselves on finding ways to be resourceful and adaptable under a variety of circumstances. We also understand that being efficient is a long-term game. Setting up systems, tweaking processes, and making sure that we respond quickly and correctly to everyone we work with is critical to our success as a company.

Having a Growth Mindset

Nothing and no one is ever perfect, and we don’t expect perfection. Having a growth mindset means that we learn from our mistakes so we can correct and be better the next time. We don’t let our failures or losses derail our work or our emotions, because we see everything as an opportunity for growth, not an end.


We believe that being aware and intentional about our actions is the key to creating a more inclusive workplace and world. Slowing down can have a tremendously positive impact on small interactions that can lead to powerful ripple effects and lasting change.

Living in the age of the internet
Living in the age of the internet
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What's a geek?

A geek, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is “a person who is very interested in and knows a lot about a particular field or activity.”

We love this word because it emphasizes learning, curiosity and passion. And what we’ve found since we began this group is that we attract geeks in the truest sense of the word. We can be honest, silly, make mistakes, explore, learn, and educate others because we are supported by a community that understands.

Our History

Felicia and Rachel first connected in 2013 (check out our origin story in the video!) with our first Boston Girl Geek Dinner. From the start, we shared common goals and values: supporting equitable spaces for underrepresented groups and creating exceptional experiences in everything we do.

In 2015, we officially incorporated and became She Geeks Out. Two years later, in 2017, we launched our training programs and rebranded as She+ Geeks Out. By 2020, the world had changed dramatically, leading us to expand our programming while putting events on hold. Although we planned to relaunch events in 2023, shifting priorities among both the community and our sponsors altered our course. In 2024, we rebranded as Inclusion Geeks to better reflect our mission. We’re excited to see what adventures 2025 will bring!