Spending Valentine’s Day Solo

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Breaking Barriers

We didn’t even get all the way through Christmas before the stores reminded us that Valentine’s Day was next up on the holiday calendar. The shelves were awash in a sea of pink and red, overflowing with heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and adorable stuffies before Santa could pack up his sleigh for the season. For some, this serves as a reminder that the day is fast approaching and you should be figuring out what your gift-giving situation looks like. For others, it’s a nagging echo of the absence of a romantic partner. But that doesn’t mean you can’t participate in lovey-dovey festivities! Our culture places soooo much emphasis on heterosexual romantic relationships as the “norm” when there are a ton of ways to experience love. 

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Here are some ways to re-imagine Valentine’s Day:

Love Yo’self

Instead of dreading the day, consider it an opportunity to show yourself some love. What if you were to treat yourself like you would a partner? How would you show up for them? Make a note of what you would do and do those things for yourself because you deserve it, friend! Send yourself your favorite flowers, make dinner reservations at your preferred restaurant, book a massage/pedicure/facial, buy yourself some chocolates (the good ones, not the .99 cent kiddie box), grab a bottle of your favorite wine if you drink it (here’s mine) and some new fuzzy slippers to binge watch your shows, whatever serves you

Tune the noise out

Holidays can be triggering for some folks, and we totes get it. Whatever your reasons, know they are valid, and we honor them. If you’re not into the whole self-care vibe, go on about your business like it’s just a regular day (because, for real, it is). Maybe scroll a little less on the socials for the day, enjoy your usual routine, and ignore capitalism knocking at your door for yet another opportunity to spend coin.

Get your sexy on!

Who says you have to be boo’ed up to feel sexy? So many boudoir photographers offer solo sessions to channel your inner goddess and remind yourself that you are a hottie. And if the price doesn’t work with your budget, do your own at home! Grab the garb that makes you feel sexy, a ring light, some sultry tunes, a bluetooth remote and make it do what it do, bay-bee! You can keep, delete, share, whatevs (just make sure folks know not to swipe left when you share pics of your puppy or plant babies).

Gather your Galentines 

Some of our most important relationships are with our friends. And since Valentine’s Day is all about sharing the love, maybe spending it with your friends could be what you’ve been missing. It’s giving brunch with mimosas, mani/pedis, a cute white elephant gift exchange, and tons of IG-worthy photos. Want a virtual get-together? We got you! Join for Galentine’s with Inclusion Geeks

Pooch Smooches and Kitty Kisses

If you have a furbaby (or four like me), spoil them (even more) rotten for the day. Take the doggos on a long walk and snag some pup-cups at Starbucks after a chill car ride. Get some catnip and a new toy, and watch your cat vibe (or kitty parkour). Grab your bearded dragon some extra gooey worms, or sing along to Lizzo with your parakeet. Whatever critters make your house a home, showing them some love can make the day more special than you ever imagined.

Though it may be hard to escape the feeling that Valentine’s Day is a huge reminder of what you don’t have, it could be an opportunity to reflect on what you do. And even though self-care is “all the rage” right now, there’s some solid research that shows that nurturing your relationship with yourself has many positive, long-lasting effects. Ultimately, do what works for you, even if that means honoring feelings of loneliness because feels are real. But give it a shot if you have the space to try something new! 

Did you try any of our suggestions? Let us know! Join the Rise Together community in Mighty Networks and share your experience! We can’t wait to hear from you!