14 Must Watch YouTube Videos on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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If you’re more of an audiovisual learner, we’ve got just the thing for you. These brilliant people and organizations spoke on diversity, equity, and inclusion, tackling the issues with intelligence, humility, and in several cases, humor.

We also have some helpful short best practice videos on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Have a look!

The Business Case for Diversity and Inclusion
Time: 11:17
Who: Deloitte Insights
Description: In a marketplace where customers, suppliers and employees can span the globe, the importance of diversity and inclusion cannot be understated. What was once considered a human resources initiative has become a business imperative for chief executive officers (CEOs) focused on growing their organizations and developing their people. The latest episode of Deloitte Insights features a conversation among Sean O’Grady, Insights’ moderator, Carl Allegretti, chairman and CEO of Deloitte Tax LLP, and Stedman Graham, CEO of S. Graham & Associates and New York Times best-selling author. Tune in to learn how organizations can readdress their diversity and inclusion practices.

Color Blind or Color Brave?
Time: 14:14
Who: Mellody Hobson
The subject of race can be very touchy. As finance executive Mellody Hobson says, it’s a “conversational third rail.” But, she says, that’s exactly why we need to start talking about it. In this engaging, persuasive talk, Hobson makes the case that speaking openly about race — and particularly about diversity in hiring — makes for better businesses and a better society.

The Future of STEM Depends on Diversity
Time: 14:43
Who: Nicole Cabrera Salazar
Description: The United States is becoming more and more diverse, but there is still a long way to go to diversify the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Scientist Nicole Cabrera Salazar shares her perspective on diversity in STEM and the reasons we should be actively engage underrepresented groups in STEM disciplines.

How Diversity and Inclusion Will Drive the Future of the Workplace
Time: 10:38
Who: Panel from Inspirefest 2016
Description: At Inspirefest 2016, Inspirefest founder and Silicon Republic CEO Ann O’Dea chairs a panel on diversity and the future of work. Accenture CHRO Ellyn Shook, Dropbox global head of diversity Judith Williams, Sodexo Ireland president Margot Slattery and Fidelity International head of technology Stuart Warner joined O’Dea on the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre stage.

How Diversity Makes Teams More Innovative
Time: 11:05
Who: Rocío Lorenzo
Description: Are diverse companies really more innovative? Rocío Lorenzo and her team surveyed 171 companies to find out — and the answer was a clear yes. In a talk that will help you build a better, more robust company, Lorenzo dives into the data and explains how your company can start producing fresher, more creative *ideas* by treating diversity as a competitive advantage.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race
Time: 11:56
Who: Jay Smooth
Jay Smooth is host of New York’s longest running hip-hop radio show, the Underground Railroad on WBAI 99.5 FM in NY, and is an acclaimed commentator on politics and culture. In this talk, he discusses the sometimes thorny territory of how we discuss issues of race and racism, offering insightful and humorous suggestions for expanding our perception of the subject.

Improving Your Diversity IQ
Time: 9:50
Who: Doug Melville
Description: Doug’s “Improving your Diversity IQ” talks about increasing diversity in the world and how diversity is your personal currency. Doug outlines nine alphabetized steps to help improve your diversity IQ.

Inclusion, Exclusion, Illusion, and Collusion
Time: 13:15
Who: Helen Turnbull
Description: CEO of Human Facets, Helen has a 25+ year successful track record in the field of Global Inclusion. She is an internationally recognized Thought Leader on Unconscious Bias, global inclusion and diversity. As creator of “Cognizant” — Unconscious Bias assessment tool and the “ISM Profile” for measuring Inclusion Skills gaps, her work has contributed to clients winning the Catalyst Award for Gender improvements. Helen is passionate about Inclusion work and relaxes by watching and playing golf.

The Insanity of Exclusion in STEM
Time: 6:28
Who: Natalie Robinson Bruner
Description: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So why do we expect a new outcome when we teach STEM the same way?

The Key to More Women in Technology
Time: 8:41
Who: Marianna Budnikova
Description: Have you ever wondered why programming is seen as a man’s game? Where are all the women software developers hiding? Marianna Budnikova is a software engineer at Microsoft. Back when she was in college, she set upon a quest to find out why there are so few women in tech. In this talk, Marianna shares her discovery about what takes young girls and women away from technology, and gives some suggestions for tackling the problem.

One Woman Discovers the Wage Gap
Time: 2:14
Who: Buzzfeed
Description: Funny short from Buzzfeed… “Do the job you’re paid to do.”

The Power of Privilege
Time: 14:57
WhoTiffany Jana
Description: Tiffany has directed organizational development, marketing, and community outreach initiatives for over 10 years. She founded TMI Consulting, the world’s first Diversity and Inclusion Certified Benefit Corporation. TMI Consulting recently designed and facilitated a very successful series of transatlantic cooperative civic-engagement workshops in the US and the EU for the German Marshall Fund as well as a Congressional Leadership series of bipartisan dialogues on race and democracy.

What people miss about the gender wage gap
Time: 5:19
Who: Vox Media
When there is talk about the gender wage gap, often the statistic heard is, “Women earn 79 cents for every dollar a man makes.” While this is factually correct, it does not encompass the nuances of the wage gap. The answer is in the complexity of this problem. Career types and child-rearing duties are both in the equation to closing the gender wage gap.

Why Do We Dance Around Diversity in Tech?
Time: 3:56
Who: Benjamin Williams
Description: A software engineer, entrepreneur and hip-hop dancer, Williams integrates his experience in computer science and as an advocate for diversity in STEM with spoken word and dance to make us look at and consider challenging questions. In this performance he asks the question of why there are so few people of color in tech, and how can we include more? He is accompanied by dancers Monyett Crump Jr. and Jasmin Williams.

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