Three Events – One Night – Three Cities!

Home Resources Blog Three Events – One Night – Three Cities!
Breaking Barriers

Are you in San Francisco, New York City, or Boston on May 22nd, and looking for something super fun to do? Ahhhh, we have JUST THE THING! For the first time, as a way to celebrate our expansion into two new cities, we’re going to party it up in all three on the same night. YAS!!!

Bring your friends and tell your friends. And we’ll be all over the socials that night too. We can’t wait to see you all there!

May 22nd, 6pm-9pm
6-7pm – Registration, networking, food, drink
7-8pm – Three speakers speak for 10 minutes on what they geek out about! Then raffle prizes!
8-9pm – More networking, eating and drinking!

BOSTON – Networking event sponsored by EdX

Kristina Lopes, HR & Talent Operations at EdX
Trish Fontanilla, Freelancer at Trish of All Trades
Shannon Murphy, Content Strategy Consultant at Shine Content

NYC – Networking event sponsored by Betterment

Nishtha Dalal, Senior Product Designer at OkCupid
Stephanie Gilbert, Director of Business Development at Huge

SAN FRANCISCO – Networking event sponsored by Aquabyte

Martina Lauchengco, Operating Partner, Costanoa Ventures
Kelley Calkins, Cofounder, The Establishment
Felicia Jadczak, Cofounder, Inclusion Geeks