How We’re Responding to COVID-19: Corporate Training Updates

Home Resources Blog How We’re Responding to COVID-19: Corporate Training Updates
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Within the last month, things have changed for many people due to COVID-19. At Inclusion Geeks we are taking every precaution to ensure that the critical work around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) doesn’t fall by the wayside at a time when it can be easy to lean into fear and Othering. We also know that times of crises can offer us a chance to come together and have deeper connections with ourselves and the people around us. While many of us are practicing social isolation, this is an opportunity to challenge ourselves and be more involved and intentional about our DEI work. In fact, the impact of COVID-19 on many communities directly correlates with the ‘E’ we are trying to achieve in the workplace and beyond. 

Employees who lack work-life benefits and financial resources and people from under-resourced communities have been disproportionately affected by the impact of COVID-19. Some of us have the privilege of working remotely to protect ourselves and others, but there are many who still have to physically go to work, while others have lost their jobs due to various reasons. It is important to recognize that working remotely will look different for everyone depending on our living situation. Some of us may need more support than our colleagues during this transition because we are adjusting for things we didn’t have to think about before (e.g. childcare due to school closings, being a caregiver, living in a home with multiple people, not having an office or quiet space, etc.). With changes like these, we must ask ourselves what can we do to lessen the burden and support our employees? We recognize that the structural issues we are trying to change cannot be fixed in a day, or through one workshop. However, we know that support and awareness combined with action (and the consistency of both), can be a catalyst for change wherever we are. 

To this end, we hope we can be of support to our clients, partners, and our general community through virtual DEI trainings, online courses, and other learning opportunities.

We’re currently planning to host all events virtually for as long as we need to. This has given us an opportunity to expand our ability to connect with attendees that typically wouldn’t be able to make it IRL.

Update as of 4/30/20:

Since we originally posted this article, we’ve hosted one public DEI workshop,  two webinars, our first-ever virtual DEI meetup, and we relaunched our podcast!

Many of our clients are transitioning from in-person trainings to virtual sessions. We put together some information to help you decide if a virtual offering if right for you. Interested in learning more about what we’re offering? Download our course catalog here.

We also have been recording short videos, sharing our thoughts on how to adjust to new working realities and challenges. Check out some of our latest videos in our “Ask Inclusion Geeks” series. Have a question? Contact us and we may feature your question on a future video! You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel for additional content.

We’re still holding our monthly free webinars on a variety of DEI topics. You can get access to past webinars here.

Check out our upcoming events and sign up, here.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to serving our community and we welcome your ideas as we continue to find new and innovative ways to support you!

Please note: We will likely continue to provide virtual options to engage going forward, regardless of what happens with COVID-19. From an accessibility standpoint, we recognize the need to connect virtually, whether you can’t physically get to an event due to geography, home situation, or a disability that makes it impossible. We will keep our community updated with all upcoming virtual gatherings, and are committed to offering an experience that provides opportunities for learning as well as engagement.