Executive Leadership Program: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Inclusion Geeks Executive Leadership Program in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (‘DEI’) is designed to create a lifelong learning experience for forward-thinking leaders who care deeply about making lasting and meaningful change.

We intentionally foster an environment where executives can have ongoing conversations, ask difficult questions, and form relationships designed to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within their company.

The Inclusion Geeks Executive Leadership Program is dynamic and engaging, bringing together people who have similar complex challenges, in a space where learning and development is paramount. Our goals are to make sure that learning is translated into action by helping attendees move the needle toward equity for all within their company.

Each cohort is designed for:

  • list-icon_mark Executives and VPs
  • list-icon_mark Directors and senior leaders
  • list-icon_mark Startup founders and VCs
Business people talking

Sample Agenda

Session 1: Introductions, Identity, and Foundations

  • list-icon_mark General introductions, program overview
  • list-icon_mark Review and discuss the foundational concepts of diversity, equity, inclusion
  • list-icon_mark What does DEI mean for leadership
  • list-icon_mark Practice having conversations about our identities and experiences
  • list-icon_mark Break down related terminology and concepts

Session 2: Unconscious Bias, Socialization, and Oppression

  • list-icon_mark Discussion of cycle of socialization and frameworks associated with bias
  • list-icon_mark Understand what unconscious bias is and how it shows up in the workplace and beyond
  • list-icon_mark Introduce the concept of oppression and the various levels at which it exists: ideological, internalized, interpersonal, and institutional

Session 3: Skill Building - Power, Privilege, and Allyship

  • list-icon_mark Discuss how power and privilege play into our everyday lives from a personal and professional angle
  • list-icon_mark Review ways to be an ally on a individual and institutional level
  • list-icon_mark Learn how to recognize and respond to various manifestations of bias and oppression

Session 4: Organizational Assessment

  • list-icon_mark Discuss policies, processes, and opportunities for change within the work environment
  • list-icon_mark Review tools to assess inclusive organizations
  • list-icon_mark Begin assessing organizational domains using various frameworks [depending on group, ICOD, anti-racist continuum, etc.]
  • list-icon_mark Start developing a plan to effectively support change at work

Session 5: Organizational Action Planning

  • list-icon_mark Begin developing an action plan for your company
  • list-icon_mark Review best practices and next steps to ensure sustainability of action plan

Contact us to learn more