Breaking Barriers Program

Office workers day at work

Join us for this special program that centers the experiences of women+, but without all of the “self-help” vibes. Because TBH, you’re ah-mazing just as you are - we’re just here to remind you of your magic! We’ll do that over the course of five sessions, spending 90 minutes together, once a week at 5pm EST (we promise you, the time will fly). Between sessions, you’ll have a dedicated virtual space to remain in community with your cohort, check-in with each other, and chat with your coach.

Applications are closed but stay tuned for upcoming programming designed for YOU!

Join the Waitlist

Watch the Info Session Recording

Watch the Breaking Barriers Info Session and get all of your questions answered by Breaking Barriers Coach, Rachel Sadler, Inclusion Geeks Co-CEO Rachel Murray, and Public Programs Manager, Akyanna Smith!

Program Agenda

Instead of talking about ways to “be a better you” we’re going to double-down on what’s already awesome about you. And through that lens, we’ll provide you with an opportunity to show up for and honor yourself. So many women+ are busy being caretakers, company leaders, supportive teammates, and all-around badasses that we can forget to make space to nurture ourselves. So here’s what we’ll be covering:


Session One: Let’s Get Into It

This is the introduction to the program, your coach, and your squad. During this session, you’ll have an opportunity to start building community with other incredible women+, develop shared expectations, as well as participate in activities that center and honor you.




Session Two: Sorry, Not Sorry…

During this session, we’ll talk about eliminating the habit of apologizing. So often, women+ defer to apologies when speaking up/out, challenging others, or taking up space. We’ll get into how to reframe our perspective on taking up space and replace apologies with more direct language. Learn how to stand in the resoluteness of what you say, regardless of how it lands for others, and stop saying “sorry.”


Session Three: Who Said That?

We all have that little voice in our heads that likes to whisper doubt just when we think we’ve got this confidence thing down. Disempowering beliefs can derail the best intentions and planning. This session will give you the tools to identify them and work to quiet them when they try to get all in your business.




Session Four: Issa “No” For Me…

How many times have you wanted to say “no” to someone, but felt like you couldn’t? Perhaps you’ve been a people-pleaser most of your life or have been taught that it’s polite to commit to things, even if you don’t want to. Let’s talk about the ways “no” helps us establish boundaries and create space for a more fulfilling “yes”.


Session Five: Now What?

After all this time together, it’s easy to wonder, “So what? Now what?” In this session, we’ll reflect on what we’ve uncovered over the last four weeks, share some aha’s, and develop practical individual plans for how you’ll show up for yourself in meaningful, long-lasting ways.


Rachel Sadler

When does the program begin and end?

This virtual program begins on March 7, 2023 and meets weekly until April 4, 2023 at 5pm EST. All downloadable toolkits and resources will be yours to keep, and you'll have access to all class materials and a dedicated community space on our Mighty Networks platform.

When do I need to sign up?

Since this program will be open to a limited number of attendees, we encourage you to enroll as soon as possible. The doors will close when all seats are filled, or by Thursday, March 2, 2023. Claim your spot now!

How many people will I be learning with?

To maintain the high quality of this program, we cap our cohorts at 20. We want to make sure we’re able to cover all the intended content while opening the opportunity for meaningful conversations and answering questions.

Are there any prerequisites? What do I need to know?

There are no prerequisites to joining Breaking Barriers! We want you to come as you are, in your most authentic form! This is a space to learn and grow together, judgment-free.

What do I get with this program?

In addition to the five weekly sessions with your Coach, Rachel, you will have: access to a Breaking Barriers exclusive space on Mighty Networks to continue the conversations with your cohort mates, an interactive workbook for you to use during and after the program, and the opportunity to continue your coaching journey with Rachel when the program ends.

How many sessions are there?

There are five 90-minute weekly live sessions.

What’s the time commitment? Do I have to show up to everything?

We've found that this program will be best experienced if you're able to attend every session. This will allow you to be able to complete the homework assignments and build off of each topic from week to week. However, we GET IT! Things happen, life happens. If for some reason you think you’re going to miss a session, let us know and we will do our best to get you caught up and back on track.

Are the sessions recorded? If so, how will they be shared?

To keep the program confidential and maintain the privacy of the participants, we won't be recording these sessions.

How do I pay?

Payment will be processed on Eventbrite. Once your payment is received, you’ll get a follow-up email and receipt from our team.

Do you offer payment plans?

Unfortunately, at this time, we’re not offering payment plans for Breaking Barriers. If you're in need of financial support, please fill out this form and a member of the Inclusion Geeks team will reach out to you. If you have any questions, please email us at

What technology will you be using?

The program will be hosted through our brand new community platform, Mighty Networks. Weekly sessions will be conducted via Zoom through links in Mighty Networks, and all supplemental content will be posted there. We’ll also be using Mighty Networks for asynchronous communication in between program sessions.

I have accessibility needs. Will they be met?

We offer closed captioning and transcripts for all sessions. Once you sign up, we’ll ask you to let us know if you have any further accessibility needs; we’ll do our very best to accommodate them! Please let us know if you have any specific concerns.

What is Mighty Networks?

Mighty Networks is Inclusion Geeks’s  community platform created to bring together people who want to create and support a more equitable workplace. This space will be YOUR place to build relationships, develop skills, and reframe your mindset during Breaking Barriers and beyond!

What is Rise Together?

Rise Together is designed to break through barriers faced by people with marginalized identities in the workplace and support those who want to abolish inequity in the workplace. It's a mix of professional development, coaching, and networking opportunities, all with the kind and geeky vibe we’re known for.

What’s your refund policy?

If you request a refund, it will be processed within 5-7 business days. Please note that any refund requests after February 26, 2023 won't be accepted.

I have more questions!

No problem! Contact us and we’ll do our best to respond within 48 hours.